Thursday, February 13, 2025

Norfolk Archives Forum

This page includes some basic information on the Norfolk Archives Network forum (external link), NORAH’s support policy for the forum, our Code of Conduct, and some suggestions for information to include when making a post.


  1. What is the Norfolk Archives Network forum?
  2. Who can post in the forum?
  3. How to post on the forum?
  4. What is NORAH’s policy on support in the forum?
  5. Code of conduct

What is the Norfolk Archives Network forum?

The Norfolk Archives Network forum has been created in response to requests made by Norfolk’s community of organizations which collect archives, or surrogates, worthy of permanent preservation. The forum is for all of these organizations, whatever their size, and their members. Use the forum to share successes, advertise events and ask for advice. No question is too basic, and no answer is too obvious. If you think you can answer a question, please do so. 

The Norfolk Record Office moderates the forum on behalf of NORAH, and will try, whenever possible, to post responses to straight-forward questions. It reserves the right to remove any posts which it thinks are inappropriate as defined by the Code of Conduct. 

Who can post in the forum?

Anyone. There is no cost, no membership requirement, and no restrictions on participation. All you need is an email address and an interest in collecting archives and wanting to share them with others.

How to post on the forum?

The easiest way to use the forum is to view it in an Internet browser by clicking here. You can email directly to the forum, but this does limit your functionality.

The forum is divided into topics. Start a new topic for each question or announcement. To post a topic, click the ‘NEW TOPIC’ button (white writing on red).

If you are not already logged in to a Google account, you will be able to compose your post straight away. If you have an Google account already but are not logged in, you will be given the opportunity to login to your account. If you don’t have a Google account, you can create one, even if you do not have a Gmail email address. If you are not directed to the appropriate screen, you can sign up to a Google account without Gmail here.

To reply to a post, simply click on that post and type in the ‘Click here to reply’ box. Again, if you are not already logged in, then you will have to do this. 

What is NORAH’s policy on support in the forum?

NORAH’s hope is that as the forum develops, the wider community will answer most questions, or the answer can be found in previous discussions. If a Topic requires professional advice, the NRO, on behalf of NORAH will try and answer straightforward questions, or post links to advice available on the Internet. The NRO is juggling its support of this forum with the demands of a busy public service. It will try to answer any post requiring professional advice as soon as possible, but it may take several days for it to respond.

Please be patient and do not re-post your question as a new Topic. If you don’t receive a response to your question within a week, then it is appropriate to “bump” your Topic by adding a new message in the thread.

Spamming the Norfolk Archives Network forum with marketing materials or other irrelevant content will result in immediate expulsion. Please also read the code of conduct included below.

Code of conduct

NORAH pledges to respect all those using this forum. We are committed to making participation in this forum a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, personal appearance, body size, race, age, or religion.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or imagery, derogatory comments or personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment, insults, or other unprofessional conduct.

NORAH have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject Forum posts, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct or that do not relate to the keeping and sharing of archives. 

If you feel you’ve encountered instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior, please let us know.