Friday, March 7, 2025

Speakers List

NORAH maintains a Talks and Speakers Register for anyone who is looking for interesting speakers for their group or society. It comprises this Speakers List, a Talks List and a Talk Request Form. All of NORAH’s speakers are willing to give their time for free so they can share their knowledge of Norfolk’s history and to help raise some money to help with NORAH’s ongoing work.

Moreover, NORAH would like to add more talks and speakers to its Register. Please contact us if you have a passion for Norfolk’s history and would like to share it with enthusiastic audiences around the County.

NORAH’s Speakers

John Alban

John was the County Archivist of Norfolk for almost 20 years and he is a trustee of NORAH. Furthermore, he is a historian who specialises in medieval warfare and its social and economic impact, and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia. Unsurprisingly, he is an expert on Norfolk’s archival heritage and is keen to share his passion.

Victor Morgan

Vic came to UEA as an undergraduate in 1965, and has been around at UEA and in Norfolk almost ever since. He has always been interested in how best to teach history and how to teach more generally. This is reflected in his continuing contributions to the work of UEA’s Centre for Staff and Educational Development. His books are articles cover a range of topics: legal history; local government; regionalism; (with others) the impact of maps; great house architecture (including Blickling and Oxnead) and the social organisation of great houses; portraiture and Norwich artists; the Paston treasure; the insights into the county and the period to be found in The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey (of which he is an editor; six volumes thus far). Currently he is working on an article on the concept of Fame in the renaissance; a book on civic ritual in Norwich, and articles on aspects of the wider history of the city, c.1450-1750. The latter includes pieces on Elm Hill, the Pettus family, and Samson & Hercules. In the county he is expanding his earlier work on the 16th and 17th century Pastons and other collectors. Almost all his lectures are illustrated and some can be combined into a ‘talk & walk’.

Richard Matthew

Richard is a retired headteacher and teacher of English, including two years as an Adviser with VSO in Pakistan. His degree is in English but since retirement, has become very involved in local history, particularly at Dragon Hall where he’s been a guide and researcher since 2004, including writing a book about Robert Toppes, the 15th century owner and builder of Dragon Hall, and subject of one of his talks. Richard was also for a few years a guide at the Norwich Guildhall, the subject of another talk. He’s been giving local history talks for some ten years to a variety of local clubs and societies and on Heritage Open Days at The Forum in Norwich.